International relations


Preparation of specialists in the field of International relations who have fundamental knowledge, research, information and analytical skills and abilities to implement professional activities in various fields of international relations who have social and personal qualities necessary for international communication and cooperation.


ОN 1 Evaluates modern political and economic processes in international relations, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the Republic of Azerbaijan, using methods of critical thinking, predicting the prospects for the development of modern diplomacy, developing managerial competencies in analyzing and solving various crisis situations.
ОN 2 Works effectively in a group to achieve common goals, skillfully leads a discussion on given topics using constructive feedback.
ОN 3 Is able to creatively and productively apply the possibilities of innovative technologies in the analysis of modern information in the field of international relations, international communication, negotiation process.
ОN 4 Expands knowledge in the field of international relations and world politics for further professional growth, improving language skills, developing design thinking and entrepreneurial skills.
ОN 5 Explains the laws of the history and theory of international relations, the countries of the Turkic world, the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the diplomatic and consular service, current problems of regional and global development.
ОN 6 Analyzes the foundations of economic theory, features of the development of international economic relations and entrepreneurial activity.
ОN 7 Defines the current trends of world political development, the development of global political processes and their impact on the system of international relations.
ОN 8 Builds professional communication in the state and foreign languages, improving his intellectual and cultural level, understanding the problems of multiculturalism, the specifics of the activities of international governmental and non-governmental organizations.
ОN 9 Analyzes modern scientific approaches in the field of international relations, problems of history and historiography of foreign countries, based on changing trends in world development and intercountry interaction.
ОN 10 Assesses the state of national, regional and global security, global political and economic development in the context of globalization, transformation of the international system and changes in the geopolitical situation in the world.
ОN 11 Reveals the causal relationships of international processes, based on knowledge in the field of history, law, culture, economics, geopolitics of the countries of Europe, America, Asia.
ОN 12 Expresses his own civil and moral position, possessing spiritual and moral values, legal, linguistic, economic knowledge, information literacy.
Cycle Count of subjects

Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить 240 ECTS

Код Subjects Credit Semester


Айтбаева Нурсауле Конарбаевна

Dean "Tourism and languages"

Демеев Ахмет

Department of international relations and tourism

и.о. профессор

Низаматдинова Жулдыз Скаховна

Department of international relations and tourism

Старший преподаватель

Медиханова Акмарал Бактыгалиевна

Department of international relations and tourism

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Кильдякова Елена Николаевна

Department of international relations and tourism

Старший преподаватель

Есетова Гулзира Буркитовна

Department of international relations and tourism

Старший преподаватель

Жангожаева Эльвира Темирхановна

Department of international relations and tourism

Head of the department

Курбаниязов Абилгазы Коптлеуович

Department of international relations and tourism


Оруджов Илькин Юсиф оглы

Department of international relations and tourism

Старший преподаватель

Айдарбаева Айзада Сарсенбайқызы

Department of international relations and tourism


Шакирова Мерует Ертелеуқызы

Department of international relations and tourism

Senior Lecture

Исагалиев Серик Берикович

Department of international relations and tourism

Senior Lecture

Джанибекова Нурсауле Нургожаевна

Department of international relations and tourism


Джафаров Элдар Ариф оглы

Department of international relations and tourism

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

No employment