Oil and gas business


Oil and gas business is one of the most relevant specialties. Oil and gas business specializes on the basis of knowledge in the development of hydrocarbon natural resources.  The educational program of training of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) assumes scientific and pedagogical and research preparation, and also in-depth study of theoretical and practical bases of the prevention and elimination of problems on oil and gas fields with application of modern technologies


Cognitive А1 (ОN1) 	- to demonstrate a fundamental and systematic understanding of study field;
-to apply research methods in the field of oil and gas business;
- modify new research methods;
- to adapt the modern methodology of teaching technical subjects and innovative teaching technologies
В1 (ОN2)	- to use software systems in the field of mathematical and hydrodynamic modeling of technological processes and objects;
-to carry out calculations of technological processes;
- to provide a forecast assessment of the efficiency of technological processes
В2 (ОN3)	- to organize operational control of timely provision of production with technical documentation, materials, equipment, tools, etc.;
- to offer ideas on modernization and improvement of the applied systems and technological processes to increase production efficiency
В3 (ОN4)	- to carry out laboratory and scientific experiments, increasing the effectiveness of scientific research;
- to use modern methods of data processing and interpretation using computer technologies;
- to prepare scientific and technical reports, reviews, publications based on the results of research;
- to analyze and systematize scientific and technical information on the research topic;
- to develop documentation for the organization and conduct of scientific and pedagogical activities
С1 (ОN5)	- to analyze economic, environmental, and social problems in the oil and gas industry;
- to analyze new ideas and trends in the field of oil and gas business;
- to organize technological works on the production site;
- to develop technological recommendations for establishing rational methods and technologies for field development
С2 (ОN6)	-to  implement scientific research using modern trends,directions and patterns of domestic scientific development in the context of globalization and internalization;
- to suggest ways to solve current problems of scientific research in the field of oil and gas business
С3 (ОN7)	- to put into practice innovative approaches to achieve specific commercial outcomes of research and development;
to simulate the process of field development with application of new technologies and methods of influence;
- to improve the methods and methodology of calculations

D (ОN8)	-to formulate problems arising in the course of research and practice;
- to solve problems arising in the course of research and practice
-to organize research, design and educational and professional activities of doctoral students in undergraduate and graduate programs;
- to presentthe results of scientific, laboratory and experimental studies and achievements in the form of scientific reports, abstracts of articles, reports, doctoral dissertations to the scientific community and the general public
Cycle Count of subjects
Basic disciplines (compulsory component) 4
General educational disciplines (compulsory component) 7
Profil discipline (elective courses component) 4

Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить 180 ECTS

Код Subjects Credit Semester
D05.005 Forecasting efficiency of development process 5 1
D05.011 Modern methods of research of formations and wells 5 1
D05.007 Current technological trends in oil and gas production 5 1
D05.009 Combined methods of influence on critical area of formation 5 1
D.007 Academic writing 5 1
D05.006 Modeling of deposit development at the late stage 5 1
D.005 Doctoral student research work, including internship and doctoral thesis 8 1
D.008 Methods of scientific research 5 1
D.005 Doctoral student research work, including internship and doctoral thesis 31 2
D.002 Pedagogical practice 10 2
D.001 Researsh practice 10 3
D.005 Doctoral student research work, including internship and doctoral thesis 20 3
D.005 Doctoral student research work, including internship and doctoral thesis 31 4
D.005 Doctoral student research work, including internship and doctoral thesis 20 5
D.005 Doctoral student research work, including internship and doctoral thesis 13 6


Гусманова Айгуль Гайнуллаевна

Dean "Engineering"

Закенов Сембигали Турешович

Department of petrochemical engineering


Баямирова Рысколь Умаровна

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Бекбаулиева Алия Аскаровна

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Бисембаева Карлыгаш Танбаевна

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Есболай Гулжаhан Кенжебайқызы

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор

Нуршаханова Лаззат Кульжановна

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор

Сабырбаева Гулжан Саналбаевна

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Садуева Гульмира Худайбергеновна

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Тогашева Алия Ризабековна

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Каражанова Марал Койлыбаевна

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Койшина Акмарал Итемгеновна

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Туркменбаева Майра Бекболатовна

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Табылганов Максат Токсанович

Department of petrochemical engineering

Head of the department

Аккенжеева Анар Шынабаевна

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор

Қожаш Айдын Сырымұлы

Department of petrochemical engineering

Senior Lecture

Сейдалиев Аскар Абиевич

Department of petrochemical engineering

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор

Аяпбергенов Ерболат Озарбаевич

Department of petrochemical engineering

Senior Lecture

No employment