Russian language and literature


The program is aimed at high-quality training of specialists for general education and secondary special educational institutions. The result of the educational program is the formation of the personality of a philologist, capable of:
- carry out professional activities on the basis of generally recognized conceptual knowledge about the language system, its functional capabilities and communicative potential, about the theory and history of literature, about the methodology of teaching the Russian language and literature, taking into account modern innovations;
- assess the surrounding reality on the basis of ideological, moral and civil positions;
-use various types of information and communication technologies;
-to build programs of successful academic, professional and social communication in Russian, Kazakh, English;
-to build a personal educational trajectory.


ON 1 - Classify language units and describe them in accordance with the categorical parameters of the levels of the language system;
- Explain linguistic facts from the standpoint of the historical development of the language;
- interpret modern language processes from the standpoint of the science of language;
- Explain the norms of the modern literary language;
- choose tactics of speech behavior from the standpoint of stylistic features and semantic-pragmatic orientation.

ON 2 - Describe the content and patterns of development of Russian and foreign literature, the main stages of the literary process by periods;
- explain the aesthetic laws and forms of artistic consciousness displayed in literary works;
- characterize the ideological and aesthetic level and the substantial potential of a literary work in its integrity;
- to characterize the originality of the work of leading writers, their contribution to world literature, to analyze individually the author's art systems;
-to describe the methodology of literary analysis of literary text;
- оwn modern research tools and various ways of transmitting knowledge of the basic concepts of literary criticism

ON 3 - To produce phonetic, component, morphemic, word-building, morphological, syntactic types of analysis to explain linguistic facts.
- Use modern linguistic methods and techniques in scientific studies of language and speech (analysis of historical and cultural information, conversion analysis, component analysis, analysis of logical relationships between sentences, etc.).

ON 4 - To differentiate the stages of the literary process in the domestic and world context.
- Characterize the scientific, philosophical, religious, linguistic picture of the world, reflected in the literature, the fundamental concepts on the basis of which these pictures are described.
- Carry out a comprehensive analysis of literary works from the standpoint of ideological and thematic content, genre features, plot-compositional features, style and poetics; demonstrate the ability to use the methodology of other humanities in procedures for analyzing works of art

ON 5 - To plan lessons of different types using modern pedagogical technologies; define goals, objectives, stages, specific methods of action (operations) focused on the development of key competencies of students

ON 6 - Demonstrate the skills of scientific reasoning, conducting scientific discussion and polemics, determining one's own position in relation to the facts of spiritual culture, language and literature.
- Create, based on attitudes to facts, scientific essays, essays, reviews, etc.
- Carry out scientific design of various types (graduation project, scientific article, etc.).
- Disseminate and popularize philological knowledge in educational work with students, as well as in projects related to the maintenance of the speech culture of the population.

ON 7 - To choose those or other computer technologies necessary for the implementation of pedagogical activities and independent linguistic research.
- Use modern, scientifically based techniques, methods and teaching aids in teaching Russian language and literature, independently choose methods and means of teaching / and upbringing within the framework of the educational organization policy.

ON 8 - Сommunicate information by choosing the best language tools appropriate to the purpose and task of the language situation;
- formulate a problem, define a goal and a task, draw conclusions, argue your point of view
- make decisions and report on them, insist on their point of view.
Cycle Count of subjects
Basic disciplines (compulsory component) 23
General educational disciplines (elective courses component) 9
Profil discipline (elective courses component) 6
Profil discipline (compulsory component) 4

Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить 240 ECTS

Код Subjects Credit Semester
В11.077 Basics of Linguistics 5 1
В.010 Service learning 5 2
В01.004 Physiology of development of schoolchildren 3 2
В02.001 Theory and methodology of educational work 3 2
В11.078 Basics of literature theory 5 2
В01.007 Emotional intelligence 5 3
В.039 Global ecology 3 3
В.036 Digital pedagogy 3 3
В02.075 Lesson design and assessment 4 3
В11.061 Heroes and antiheroes in folklore and Russian literature before the 19th century 5 3
В.011 Entrepreneurship 5 4
В01.026 Developmental Psychology 4 4
В01.001 Pedagogics 5 4
В11.062 Heroes and antiheroes in folklore and Russian literature to the 19th century 5 4
В.013 Basics of law 5 4
В.017 The basics of anticorruption culture 5 4
В11.017 Art of speech 5 4
В.037 Sacral Mangystau 5 4
В16.002 Economic theory 5 4
В.038 Media literacy 5 4
В02.053 Thinking design 5 4
В.054 Basics of financial literacy 5 4
В.058 The Basics of Artificial Intelligence 5 4
В.033 Fundamentals of academic writing 3 5
В12.019 Professional foreign language 3 5
В11.080 Practical grammar 5 5
В11.063 Heroes and antiheroes in folklore and Russian literature of the 20-21th centuries 5 5
В11.081 Structure of the Modern Russian Language I: Phonetics, Vocabulary, Phraseology and Social Linguistic 5 5
В11.036 Workshop on spelling and punctuation 5 5
В11.040 Philological analysis of literary text 5 6
В11.074 Modeling creative text 5 6
В01.005 Inclusive education 5 6
В11.006 Phonetics of modern Russian language 5 6
В11.066 The structure of the modern Russian language II: Word formation and morphology 5 6
В11.055 European foreign literature: from antiquity to the XXth century 5 6
В11.019 Functional stylistics of the modern Russian language and literary editing 5 7
В11.073 Basics of brending and copywriting 5 7
В11.068 Innovative methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language 5 7
В11.067 Structure of the modern Russian language III: Syntax 5 7
В11.070 Russian-language prose and poetry of Kazakhstan 5 7
В11.079 Speech culture and language communication 5 7
В04.047 Organization of Research /Project Work 5 7


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