



Cycle Count of subjects
Basic disciplines (Elective courses component) 8
Basic disciplines (compulsory component) 19
General educational disciplines (compulsory component) 14
Profil discipline (elective courses component) 2
Profil discipline (compulsory component) 9

Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить 257 ECTS

Код Subjects Credit Semester
B.023 Teaching practice 1 1
В.049 Foreign language English (A2.1-B 1.2) 16 1
B.001 History of Kazakhstan 5 1
B.007 Information and Communication Technologies (E) (Computer Science 1) 5 1
B.031 Sociology 2 1
B.031 Political science 2 1
В.045 Foreign language German 5 1
В.050 Foreign language English 2 (B2.1-B2.2) 4 1
B34.029 Basics of logistics 5 1
B21.001 Mathematics 1 5 1
B23.001 Mathematics 2 5 2
В.045 Foreign language German 5 2
В61.019 Computer Science 2 5 2
В61.020 Writing scientific papers and presentation techniques and rhetoric 5 2
B.031 Cultural studies 2 2
B.031 Psychology 2 2
В.046 Foreign language German 2 (A1-B1.2) 14 2
В.047 Business German (B2.2 -C1.1) 10 2
В.051 Public Speaking and Academic Reading and Writing (Cl) 4 2
B.002 Philosophy 5 3
В.052 Professional language English (B2.1-C1) 4 3
В61.001 Technical basics 1 5 3
B34.016 Transport logistics 5 3
B16.071 Fundamentals of Enterprise Economics (basic course) (minor) 5 3
B.022 Physical training 4 3
В.048 Professional language German (B2.2 -C1.1) 4 3
B16.015 Statistics 5 3
В61.002 Technical basics 2 5 4
В.053 Business and Soft Skills BD (B2.1-C1) 4 4
В61.003 Material Flow technology 5 4
B16.011 Enterprise Economics (quantitative methods) (minor) 5 4
B.022 Physical training 4 4
В61.004 Logistics Systems Planning 1 - Analysis (D) 5 5
В61.006 Databases and programming in Access 5 5
В61.007 Enterprise resource planning and management system 1 (D) 5 5
В61.009 Digital Production (D) 5 5
В61.011 Legal aspects in logistics 5 5
B.006 Kazakh (Russian) Language 5 5
B.006 Kazakh (Russian) Language 5 6
В61.005 Logistics Systems Planning 2 - Design (D) 5 6
В61.008 Enterprise resource planning and management system 2 (D) 5 6
В61.010 Telematics in logistics 5 6
В61.012 Logistics Management and Controlling (D) 5 6
B.025 Production practice 1 5 6
В61.013 Transport systems 5 7
В61.014 Cargo transportation 5 7
В61.015 Customs logistics 5 7
В61.016 Passenger transport logistics 5 7
В61.017 Supply Chain management 5 7
В61.018 Transport support of foreign economic activity 5 7
B17.010 Business Planning (minor) 4 7
М.001 Marketing (minor) 4 7


Гусманова Айгуль Гайнуллаевна

Dean "Engineering"

Чажабаева Маржан Маликовна

Engineering and transport

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Мадиярова Альмира Саурбаевна

Engineering and transport

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Мамбеталиева Гульсара Сапиевна

Engineering and transport

Старший преподаватель

Билашова Гульмира Смагуловна

Engineering and transport

Старший преподаватель

Булекбаева Гульмира Жайбергеновна

Engineering and transport

Head of the department

Жангирханқызы Ляззат

Engineering and transport

Старший преподаватель

Букаева Амина Захаровна

Engineering and transport

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Ахметов Абильтай Куанышбаевич

Engineering and transport

Старший преподаватель

Адылхан Дәмеш Жомутбайқызы

Engineering and transport


Тасқали Нұрия Нобадқызы

Engineering and transport

Senior Lecture

Козыбаева Динара Танжарыковна

Engineering and transport

Senior Lecture

No employment