preparation of bachelors with high-quality knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of metrology, standardization and certification, meeting modern requirements of the labor market and having the ability to self-development in research and production activities
ОN 1 Solves professional tasks in the course of work, shading knowledge of basic natural science disciplines of the basics of economics and life safety, effectively interacting in a professional and social environment.
ОN 2 Expresses its own civil and moral position, possessing global and national spiritual and moral values, linguistic and legal knowledge, entrepreneurial and information literacy.
ОN 3 controls technical measurements, tests and controls, using methods of standardization, certification and metrology, assessing compliance with mandatory requirements of standards
ОN 4 uses modern information technologies to solve specific theoretical and applied problems in the field of metrology, standardization and certification
ОN 5 Processes and analyzes the results of tests and safety quality (products, processes, services); applying regulatory legal acts, standards, methods, procedural documents of the inspection body
ОN 6 applies in practice various types and types of tests in accordance with regulatory technical documents, conducting tests at the level of modern requirements in the development, manufacture and certification of materials, structures and products.
ОN 7 develops regulatory legal acts, methodological documentation regulating the quality and safety of products, processes and services
ОN 8 conducts research in the field of metrology, standardization and certification; quality control of products, equipment, processes and services in the field of activity of the inspection body.
ОN 9 organizes and conducts in practice various types and types of tests in accordance with regulatory technical documents; tests at the level of modern requirements in the development of standardization and certification, structures and products.
ОN 10 classifies goods, identifying their assortment, assessing quality, diagnosing defects and determining gradations of quality.
ОN 11 plans activities for the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, testing centers and laboratories; using regulatory and legal documents in the field of accreditation in its professional activities
ОN 12develops a quality management system audit program, applying the knowledge gained to improve the organization's activities based on modern quality management systems.