Business administration (EMBA) (SR)


The aim is to train competitive and professional senior managers for business management who possess knowledge, interactive methods and skills based on new high technologies of administrative and productio.n processes in business structures, as well as capable of generating innovative changes in modern management in the context of globalization.


ЕО 1. To understand the essence of building a business and develop the general ways of managing it from the economic and strategic positions of the activities of organizations in a modern and dynamic market environment, forming knowledge in the field of strategic business communications.
ЕО 2.  To form an organizational structure and build a production, right marketing flow and a logistics system corresponding to the strategy, goals, objectives and internal, external conditions of the organization.
ЕО 3. To prepare analytical materials of financial and accounting, as well as reporting, using them as sources of information, formed for economic calculations and the implementation of the company's strategy.
ЕО 4. To choose the best solutions when creating science-intensive products, taking into account quality requirements, deadlines for the implementation of production and personnel policies using the method of applied organizational behaviors.
ЕО 5. To develop marketing and corporate strategies, organizational development and change programs and ensure their implementation at the national and international levels.
ЕО 6. To make logically correct management decisions to improve the efficiency of the organization, managing changes, responding flexibly and adequately to a changing situation.
ЕО 7. Independently create a system for analyzing the situation and processes related to key functional areas of the business: development and implementation of company development strategies, people and company management, innovation, change management, project management.
ЕО 8. To implement a model of effective corporate governance, human resource management and organizational behavior, including motivation, leadership, group dynamics, decision making, time management, the ability to think globally and constantly expand the planning horizon, as well as knowledge of the core values of world experience in recruitment.
Cycle Count of subjects
Basic disciplines (Elective courses component) 8
Basic disciplines (compulsory component) 2
Additional Types of Learning 1 2
Additional Types of Learning 2 1
Profil discipline (elective courses component) 3

Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить 60 ECTS

Код Subjects Credit Semester
М20.001 Strategic management 3 1
М20.002 Business Research 3 1
М20.019 Managerial economic 3 1
М20.024 Knowledge management in complex systems 3 1
М20.015 International Business 3 1
М20.017 Internship abroad 4 1
М20.005 Human resource management 3 1
М20.029 Operational management (Supply chain and project management) 5 1
М20.027 The concept of supply chain management 5 1
М20.006 Personnel management 3 1
М.010 Experimental research work, master's project (ERW) 4 1
М.010 Experimental research work, master's project (ERW) 14 2
М20.011 Managerial Marketing 3 2
М20.013 Applied organization behavior 3 2
М20.025 Business Analytics (Finance & Analysis) 4 2
М.013 Registration and defence of master's project 12 2


Абилшеева Рысгул Койшыгуловна

Dean "Business and Law"

Саймагамбетова Гаухар Амангельдиновна


Head of the department

Еркулова Гульмира Сериковна


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Аманчаева Куралай Ракатовна


Старший преподаватель

Кирбасова Лайла Габитовна


Старший преподаватель

Косымбаева Шынар Исабековна


Старший преподаватель

Таскараева Майра Бакыбаевна


Старший преподаватель

Джолдасбаева Гульсара Узбековна


и.о. профессор

Фофана Шеку Ахмед



Бектубаева Алия Раббильқызы



Тагайбекова Нургуль Пернебековна


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Жеткізген Досан Жеткізгенұлы


Старший преподаватель

Атабаева Гүлжан Жәнібекқызы



Шегенбаева Назира Абильевна


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

No employment

1 - семестр

Период Недель От До
MBA: Модуль 1 (РК 1) 1 06.02.2023 06.02.2023
Theoretical Study 16 06.02.2023 22.05.2023
MBA: Модуль 1 (РК 2) 1 13.02.2023 13.02.2023
НИР 10 13.02.2023 22.04.2023
MBA: Модуль 2 (РК 1) 1 27.02.2023 27.02.2023
MBA: Модуль 2 (РК 2) 1 13.03.2023 13.03.2023
MBA: Модуль 3 (РК 1) 1 21.03.2023 21.03.2023
MBA: Модуль 3 (РК 2) 1 31.03.2023 31.03.2023
MBA: Модуль 4 (РК 1) 1 21.04.2023 21.04.2023
MBA: Модуль 4 (РК 2) 1 02.05.2023 02.05.2023
MBA: Модуль 1 (Экзамен) 2 08.05.2023 20.05.2023
MBA: Модуль 2 (Экзамен) 2 08.05.2023 20.05.2023
MBA: Модуль 4 (Экзамен) 2 08.05.2023 20.05.2023
MBA: Модуль 3 (Экзамен) 4 08.05.2023 31.05.2023
MBA: Модуль 5 (Экзамен) 4 08.05.2023 31.05.2023
MBA: Модуль 5 (РК 1) 1 22.05.2023 22.05.2023
MBA: Модуль 5 (РК 2) 1 30.05.2023 30.05.2023
an internship 3 10.07.2023 28.07.2023

2 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 28.08.2023 02.09.2023
НИР 14 28.08.2023 02.12.2023
Theoretical Study 15 18.09.2023 30.12.2023
MBA: Модуль 6 (РК 1) 1 02.10.2023 02.10.2023
MBA: Модуль 6 (РК 2) 1 10.10.2023 10.10.2023
MBA: Модуль 7 (РК 1) 1 23.10.2023 23.10.2023
MBA: Модуль 7 (РК 2) 1 31.10.2023 31.10.2023
MBA: Модуль 8 (РК 1) 1 13.11.2023 13.11.2023
MBA: Модуль 8 (РК 2) 1 21.11.2023 21.11.2023
MBA: Модуль 6 (Экзамен) 1 28.11.2023 28.11.2023
MBA: Модуль 8 (Экзамен) 1 29.11.2023 29.11.2023
MBA: Модуль 7 (Экзамен) 1 30.11.2023 30.11.2023
Graduation work 11 04.12.2023 17.02.2024
an internship 3 22.01.2024 09.02.2024