The purpose of the educational program 6B070300 – "Information systems" is the training of highly qualified specialists of technical sciences in the specialty "Information systems", able to carry out professional activities aimed at professional and technical support of student, personal, social and professional development of the student, to prepare in different areas of information systems, server, network and computer administrators, highly qualified specialists in the protection and security of information, whose professional skills will meet the requirements, training of highly qualified engineers with opportunities for professional development in the field of formation of additional competencies in the development and implementation of modern software and hardware protection of information and the formation of skills in the development of mobile applications for solving professional problems in all areas of activity.
The objective of the program is to prepare a new generation of graduates in the field of IT-technology in two educational trajectories: "Information security in IP" and "Development of mobile applications."
This educational program is aimed at the formation of a set of competencies that will allow the graduate to effectively carry out professional activities in various fields of information technology.
Graduates can make a career in various fields of IT technology, in particular in the field of information security, designers and designers of mobile applications, information security experts.
Possible work placements: industrial enterprises, service companies, research and design organizations, etc.
Have a culture of thinking. Be able to write and speak correctly and logically formalize the results of reflection
Explain the basics of the legal system and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; legal moral and ethical standards in the field of professional activity.
Use application software packages for computation, modeling and design automation; Identify the main methods of marketing and management in the field of IT-technology.
Select the software and hardware means of collecting and storing information about the purchased and developed software. Analyze source information to describe process models, data, and domain objects.
Master the basic methods of software development processes. To design software with the use of specialized software packages. Install updates to server operating systems and software. Install and configure system software on users ' computers under the guidance of the system administrator.
Ensure availability of software and hardware of data collection tools for the analysis of indicators of the use and functioning of the computer network. Provide data collection for the analysis of indicators of software and hardware of the computer network. Develop schemes and procedures for recovery of the computer network after accidents.
Use software and hardware for data collection and processing. Install necessary updates for database management systems. Analyze the market of modern database and database management systems. Install and configure software and hardware for data collection.
Analyze project risks. To manage the content of the project. Work with different types of source data on the subject area. Manage works on project technologies. Ensure the interaction of information systems with the use of modern technological tools and standards.
Use technical means of information security. To develop standards for the security settings. Install additional protection software, maintain and manage these applications, security analysis of systems.