

The purpose of the OP is to train highly qualified competitive personnel for the legal professional market, who have:competencies for effective work in the field of law on the basis of updated education, entrepreneurial, research, digital knowledge, skills and abilities, innovative and global thinking, personal and spiritual and moral qualities of a person capable of self-development and improvement of professional skills in the field of law in the training direction 6B04201-"Jurisprudence".


ОN 1 Improves the skills of detection, suppression, disclosure and investigation of criminal and other offenses, assesses illegal behavior, applying the basics of forensic identification, forensic medicine.
ОN 2 Analyzing the main provisions of the activities of public law enforcement agencies, the court, is able to assess the legal mechanisms for ensuring the rule of law and the rule of law by applying the norms of international, administrative, criminal, civil, labor, financial, tax, family legislation in professional activities. 
ОN 3 Improves professional skills, with the possibility of organizing his own business, using knowledge of the basics of economic theory, entrepreneurship, design thinking, foreign language, practice-oriented special courses.
ОN 4 Effectively interacts in a professional and social environment using knowledge of languages, the basics of academic writing, emotional intelligence, anti-corruption culture.
ОN 5 Uses modern information technologies, the basics of criminology to search, collect and analyze legal and other necessary information for professional activity.
ОN 6 Plans and conducts research, including using information technology, analyzing law enforcement and law enforcement practice, international experience on the subject of research, using Internet sources, submitting research results in writing and participating in research projects.
ОN 7 Solves professional tasks, knowing the main stages of the development of the state and law, the structure, functions and principles of the activities of state bodies, the essence, nature and interaction of legal and state phenomena, using non-standard thinking of future lawyers.
ОN 8 Has the skills to use alternative dispute resolution methods and legal techniques, using the pre-trial dispute resolution procedure, competently drafting claims and other written notices allowing conflicts to be resolved through knowledge of the basics of mediation.
ОN 9 Expresses its own civil and moral position, possessing global and national spiritual and moral values, linguistic, economic, legal and environmental knowledge.
ОN 10 Applies the norms of substantive and procedural law to specific life situations, analyzing the legal facts and circumstances governing judicial activity, compiling legal and procedural documents, owning the basics of public speaking.
Cycle Count of subjects
Basic disciplines (compulsory component) 27
Additional Types of Learning 1 1
General educational disciplines (elective courses component) 5
General educational disciplines (compulsory component) 30
Profil discipline (elective courses component) 6
Profil discipline (compulsory component) 5

Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить 240 ECTS

Код Subjects Credit Semester
B.005.1 Foreign language (level A1) 5 1
B.005.2 Foreign language (level A2) 5 1
B.005.3 Foreign language (level B1) 5 1
B.006.1 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А1) 5 1
B.006.2 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А2) 5 1
B.006.3 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level В1) 5 1
B.022 Physical training 2 1
B.010 Service learning 5 1
B.031 Cultural studies 2 1
B.031 Political science 2 1
B.031 Psychology 2 1
B.031 Sociology 2 1
B.013 Basics of law 5 1
B.017 The basics of anticorruption culture 5 1
B02.053 Thinking design 5 1
В.037 Sacral Mangystau 5 1
В16.002 Economic theory 5 1
В.038 Media literacy 5 1
B.001 History of Kazakhstan 5 1
B15.001 The theory of state and law. 5 1
B15.002 The constitutional law 5 1
B.001 History of Kazakhstan 5 2
B.005.1 Foreign language (level A2) 5 2
B.005.2 Foreign language (level B1) 5 2
B.005.3 Foreign language (level B2) 5 2
B.006.2 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level В1) 5 2
B.006.1 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А2) 5 2
B.006.3 Kazakh (Russsian) Language (level В2) 5 2
B.022 Physical training 2 2
B.031 Psychology 2 2
B.031 Sociology 2 2
B.031 Political science 2 2
B.031 Cultural studies 2 2
B.010 Service learning 5 2
B.002 Philosophy 5 2
B15.001 The theory of state and law. 5 2
B15.002 The constitutional law 5 2
В.011 Entrepreneurship 5 3
В12.019 Professional foreign language 3 3
B15.003 The civil law 1 5 3
B15.004 Criminal law 1 5 3
B15.007 The administrative law 5 3
B.002 Philosophy 5 3
B.022 Physical training 2 3
B.022 Physical training 2 4
B.007 Information and communication technologies 5 4
В01.007 Emotional intelligence 5 4
В.039 Global ecology 3 4
B15.009 Labour law 5 4
B15.005 The civil law 2 5 4
B15.006 Criminal law 2 5 4
В.025 Industrial practice 4 4
B15.052 Criminalistics 5 5
B15.035 law enforcement agencies 5 5
B15.054 Introduction to research 5 5
B15.029 international criminal law 5 5
B15.060 Alternative dispute resolution 5 5
B15.026 Mediation bases 5 5
B.033 Fundamentals of academic writing 3 6
B15.050 Criminal procedural law 5 6
В.025 Industrial practice 4 6
B15.051 Civil procedural law 5 6
B15.057 Cybersecurity and investigative tactics 5 6
B15.062 Forensic medicine and psychiatry 5 6
B15.019 Legal expertise 5 6
B15.053 Commercial and corporate law 5 7
B15.055 Legal regulation of financial and tax relations 5 7
B15.056 The right of subsurface use 5 7
B15.058 family law and the rights of the child 5 7
B15.059 rhetoric and legal argumentation 5 7
B15.021 Procuracy supervision at the Republic of Kazakhstan 5 7
B15.041 Legal actions system at prosecutor 5 7
В.027 Pre-diploma practice 10 8
В.029 Writing and defense diploma work (project)or passing a comprehensive exam 12 8


Абилшеева Рысгул Койшыгуловна

Dean "Business and Law"

Алибеков Сериккали Кунтебаевич


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Ауешова Багдат Тлектесовна


Head of the department

Бұғыбай Дина Бұғыбайқызы


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Таналинова Айман Уришбаевна


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Ахметова Багит Сундетовна


Старший преподаватель

Дуисова Акканым Миндыгалиевна


Старший преподаватель

Өтебалиева Қарлығаш Ержанқызы


Старший преподаватель

Садуакасова Лаззат Омаровна


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор

Нұрмағанбет Ермек Талантұлы


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор

Жалғасов Нұрбек Асылбекұлы


Старший преподаватель

Ізтұрғанова Гүлнар Қосшықызы


Старший преподаватель

Колдасов Берик Серикович


Старший преподаватель

Дабылова Малика Исембаевна


Старший преподаватель

Молдагалиева Айгерим Даулетовна



Сейітхасан Ақәділ Азызбекұлы



Шайхаденов Ренат Нурлыбекович


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Утенова Айгуль Айдарбаевна


Старший преподаватель

Жангазиева Акзира Нурлановна


Старший преподаватель

Карымсаков Оспан Абдимуханович


Senior Lecture

Конысов Акылбек Жуматайулы


Senior Lecture

Накишева Махаббат Кенжехановна


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Байсултанов Алтай Бисенович


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Жумагулов Токтамыс Кадошевич


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Сайлаубай Бейфэрида Сайлаубайқызы



Шаменов Шамурайт Айрмуратович


Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

No employment

1 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 29.08.2022 03.09.2022
Theoretical Study 15 05.09.2022 17.12.2022
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 24.10.2022 29.10.2022
Курсовая работа 1 12.12.2022 17.12.2022
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 12.12.2022 17.12.2022
Midterm Control 3 19.12.2022 07.01.2023
Final Examinations (100) 4 19.12.2022 14.01.2023
Final State Examinations (100) 4 21.12.2022 14.01.2023
Vacation 1 16.01.2023 21.01.2023

2 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Theoretical Study 15 23.01.2023 06.05.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 13.03.2023 18.03.2023
Orientation Week 1 24.04.2023 30.04.2023
Курсовая работа 1 01.05.2023 06.05.2023
Midterm Control 1 01.05.2023 06.05.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 01.05.2023 06.05.2023
Final State Examinations (100) 3 08.05.2023 27.05.2023
Final Examinations (100) 4 08.05.2023 03.06.2023
Summer Semester 6 19.06.2023 29.07.2023
Theoretical Study 5 19.06.2023 22.07.2023
Summer Semester 6 19.06.2023 29.07.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 03.07.2023 08.07.2023
Курсовая работа 1 17.07.2023 22.07.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 17.07.2023 22.07.2023
Final State Examinations (100) 1 24.07.2023 29.07.2023
Midterm Control 1 24.07.2023 29.07.2023
Final Examinations (100) 1 24.07.2023 29.07.2023

3 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Theoretical Study 15 04.09.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 23.10.2023 28.10.2023
Курсовая работа 1 11.12.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 11.12.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 3 18.12.2023 06.01.2024
Final State Examinations (100) 4 18.12.2023 13.01.2024
Final Examinations (100) 4 18.12.2023 13.01.2024
Vacation 1 15.01.2024 20.01.2024

4 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Theoretical Study 15 22.01.2024 04.05.2024
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 11.03.2024 16.03.2024
Orientation Week 1 15.04.2024 20.04.2024
Курсовая работа 1 29.04.2024 04.05.2024
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 29.04.2024 04.05.2024
Midterm Control 3 06.05.2024 25.05.2024
Final State Examinations (100) 4 06.05.2024 01.06.2024
Final Examinations (100) 4 06.05.2024 01.06.2024
Practice 10 03.06.2024 10.08.2024
Summer Semester 6 17.06.2024 27.07.2024
Theoretical Study 5 17.06.2024 20.07.2024
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 01.07.2024 06.07.2024
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 15.07.2024 20.07.2024
Final State Examinations (100) 1 22.07.2024 27.07.2024
Midterm Control 1 22.07.2024 27.07.2024
Final Examinations (100) 1 22.07.2024 27.07.2024

5 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 26.08.2024 31.08.2024
Theoretical Study 15 02.09.2024 14.12.2024
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 21.10.2024 26.10.2024
Practice 8 21.10.2024 14.12.2024
Курсовая работа 1 09.12.2024 14.12.2024
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 09.12.2024 14.12.2024
Midterm Control 3 16.12.2024 04.01.2025
Final Examinations (100) 4 16.12.2024 11.01.2025
Vacation 1 13.01.2025 18.01.2025