Special pedagogy


The purpose of the EP is to train a special teacher-tutor possessing
Quality knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of inclusive, special education and support for children with sen
entrepreneurial, research, digital knowledge, skills and
innovative and global thinking, personal and spiritual and moral qualities
capable of self-development and improvement of professional skills


LO1 - Demonstrates knowledge of the laws of normal and pathological development, theory and methods of teaching and evaluating children with special educational needs with their application for the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education;
LO2 - Expresses its own moral and civic position, possessing global and national spiritual and moral values;  
LO3 - provides individual support, taking into account the potential of the subjects of education 
LO4 - applies innovative technologies in the methods of training, correction, development 
LO5 - plans research work in the field of inclusive and special education 
LO6 - develops correctional programs based on the principles of personality-oriented learning
LO7 - effectively interacts in a professional and social environment 
LO8 - able to further improve professional skills with the ability to organize own business
Cycle Count of subjects
Basic disciplines (compulsory component) 25
General educational disciplines (elective courses component) 7
General educational disciplines (compulsory component) 23
Profil discipline (elective courses component) 6
Profil discipline (compulsory component) 6

Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить 240 ECTS

Код Subjects Credit Semester
B01.004 Physiology of development of schoolchildren 5 1
В02.001 Theory and method of educational work 3 1
В50.022 Special pedagogy 5 1
В.022 Physical training 2 1
В.006.1 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А1) 5 1
В.006.2 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level В1) 5 1
В.006.3 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А2) 5 1
В.005.1 Foreign language (level A1) 5 1
В.005.2 Foreign language (level B1) 5 1
В.005.3 Foreign language (level A2) 5 1
B.001 History of Kazakhstan 5 1
В.005.1 Foreign language (level A2) 5 2
В.005.2 Foreign language (level B1) 5 2
В.005.3 Foreign language (level B2) 5 2
В.006.1 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А2) 5 2
В.006.2 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level В1) 5 2
В.006.3 Kazakh (Russsian) Language (level В2) 5 2
В.023 Teaching practice 2 2
В.031 Sociology 2 2
В.031 Political science 2 2
В.031 Cultural studies 2 2
В.031 Psychology 2 2
В.022 Physical training 2 2
B.010 Service learning 5 2
В50.023 Pathology in development 5 2
В01.007 Emotional intelligence 5 3
В.039 Global ecology 3 3
B01.026 Developmental Psychology 5 3
B01.001 Pedagogics 5 3
В50.002 Special psychology 5 3
В07.072 Speech therapy 5 3
В.022 Physical training 2 3
В.007 Information and communication technologies 5 3
В.022 Physical training 2 4
В.002 Philosophy 5 4
В.043 Psychological and pedagogical practice 2 4
B.013 Basics of law 5 4
B.017 The basics of anticorruption culture 5 4
В.037 Sacral Mangystau 5 4
В.038 Media literacy 5 4
В16.002 Economic theory 5 4
В02.053 Thinking design 5 4
B11.017 Art of speech 5 4
В.011 Entrepreneurship 5 4
В.036 Digital pedagogy 3 4
В01.008 Lesson design and assessment 5 4
В07.072 Speech therapy 5 4
B01.005 Inclusive education 5 5
В50.007 Differential diagnosis and organization of early care 5 5
В50.014 Dysgraphia, dyslexia 5 5
В50.013 Oral speech problems 5 5
В50.024 Language and literacy 5 5
В.026 Pedagogical practice 3 5
B.033 Fundamentals of academic writing 3 6
В50.021 Psychophysical development of children with SEN 5 6
В50.008 Alternative communication 5 6
В50.025 Basic math skills 5 6
В50.015 Stuttering and logaritmica 5 6
В50.018 Sound production techniques 5 6
В50.017 Speech therapy support for GSD 5 7
В50.016 Severe speech disorders 5 7
В50.010 Individualization of the educational process 5 7
В50.011 Support for families of children with SEN 5 7
В50.006 ABA theraphy 5 7
В04.047 Organization of Research/Project Work 5 7
В.027 Pre-diploma practice 10 8
В.029 Final Attestation 12 8


Озгамбаева Райхан Омирзаковна

Dean "Education"

No employment

1 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 29.08.2022 03.09.2022
Theoretical Study 15 05.09.2022 17.12.2022
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 24.10.2022 29.10.2022
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 12.12.2022 17.12.2022
Final State Examinations (100) 4 19.12.2022 14.01.2023
Midterm Control 4 19.12.2022 14.01.2023
Final Examinations (100) 4 19.12.2022 14.01.2023
Vacation 1 16.01.2023 21.01.2023

2 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Theoretical Study 15 23.01.2023 06.05.2023
Practice 4 06.02.2023 04.03.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 13.03.2023 18.03.2023
Orientation Week 1 24.04.2023 30.04.2023
Курсовая работа 1 01.05.2023 06.05.2023
Midterm Control 1 01.05.2023 06.05.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 01.05.2023 06.05.2023
Final State Examinations (100) 4 08.05.2023 03.06.2023
Final Examinations (100) 4 08.05.2023 03.06.2023
Summer Semester 6 19.06.2023 29.07.2023
Theoretical Study 5 19.06.2023 22.07.2023
Summer Semester 6 19.06.2023 29.07.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 03.07.2023 08.07.2023
Курсовая работа 1 17.07.2023 22.07.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 17.07.2023 22.07.2023
Midterm Control 1 24.07.2023 29.07.2023
Final Examinations (100) 1 24.07.2023 29.07.2023

3 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 28.08.2023 02.09.2023
Theoretical Study 15 04.09.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 23.10.2023 28.10.2023
Курсовая работа 1 11.12.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 11.12.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 4 18.12.2023 13.01.2024
Final Examinations (100) 4 18.12.2023 13.01.2024
Vacation 1 15.01.2024 20.01.2024

4 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Theoretical Study 16 22.01.2024 06.05.2024
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 11.03.2024 16.03.2024
Practice 4 01.04.2024 27.04.2024
Orientation Week 1 15.04.2024 20.04.2024
Курсовая работа 1 29.04.2024 04.05.2024
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 29.04.2024 04.05.2024
Midterm Control 4 06.05.2024 01.06.2024
Final Examinations (100) 4 06.05.2024 01.06.2024
Summer Semester 6 17.06.2024 27.07.2024
Theoretical Study 5 17.06.2024 20.07.2024
Summer Semester 6 17.06.2024 27.07.2024
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 01.07.2024 06.07.2024
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 15.07.2024 20.07.2024
Final State Examinations (100) 1 22.07.2024 27.07.2024
Midterm Control 1 22.07.2024 27.07.2024
Final Examinations (100) 1 22.07.2024 27.07.2024

5 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 26.08.2024 31.08.2024
Theoretical Study 15 02.09.2024 14.12.2024
Practice 6 30.09.2024 09.11.2024
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 21.10.2024 26.10.2024
Курсовая работа 1 09.12.2024 14.12.2024
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 09.12.2024 14.12.2024
Midterm Control 4 16.12.2024 11.01.2025
Final Examinations (100) 4 16.12.2024 11.01.2025
Vacation 1 13.01.2025 18.01.2025