Operation of ship power plants


The program is aimed at shaping the personality of a high level of thinking and a deep outlook for mastering basic knowledge of the social, humanitarian and natural sciences.
The training of mechanical specialists is to ensure the conditions for:
- obtaining a full-fledged and high-quality professional education, professional competence in the relevant European framework of qualifications of higher education ("Dublin descriptors")
science and technology;
- mastering a humanitarian culture, ethical and legal norms regulating relations to a person, society, the environment, a culture of thinking and ability to organize their work on a scientific basis, to acquire new knowledge;
- choice by students of an individual education program;
Setting and optimal solution of tasks in the field of operation of the ship power plant, the ability to use regulatory transport documents, the successful implementation of research activities;
Formation of research and professional work in the field of operation of ship power plants, linking theory with practice.


ON1.Explain the organization of safe work on the installation and commissioning of marine internal combustion engines.
Understand the technical operation of marine power plants.
Identify and monitor the technical operation of marine power plants.Possess skills of selection and adjustment of ship power plants and auxiliary mechanisms.
ON2.To justify the organization of expertise and audit in the certification of manufactured parts, components, assemblies and systems for the marine engine, services and works on maintenance and repair of marine power plants.ON3.Determine the organization of the team of performers with diverse national, religious and socio-cultural composition, the implementation of the choice, justification, adoption and implementation of management decisions. 
ON4.Specify the organization of service on ships in accordance with national and Convention requirements.
 Identify and specify the organization of the team in difficult and critical conditions the implementation of the choice, justification, adoption and implementation of management decisions within the acceptable risk.
ON5.To specify improvement of organizational and management structure of the enterprise on operation, storage, maintenance and repair of ship power installations.
ON6.Define and specify the organization and improvement of accounting and document management.ON7. Analyze the causes and consequences of the production program for maintenance, service, repair and other services in the operation of the vessel.
ON8.Justify the development and improvement of technological processes and documentation.
Cycle Count of subjects
Basic disciplines (compulsory component) 28
Additional Types of Learning 1 1
General educational disciplines (elective courses component) 7
General educational disciplines (compulsory component) 23
Profil discipline (compulsory component) 18

Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить 300 ECTS

Код Subjects Credit Semester
B.005.1 Foreign language (level A1) 5 1
B.005.2 Foreign language (level A2) 5 1
B.005.3 Foreign language (level B1) 5 1
B.006.1 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А1) 5 1
B.006.2 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А2) 5 1
B.006.3 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level В1) 5 1
B.031 Sociology 2 1
B.031 Political science 2 1
B.031 Psychology 2 1
B.031 Cultural studies 2 1
B.022 Physical training 2 1
B04.028 Mathematics 8 1
B07.005 Chemistry (in English) 4 1
B.001 History of Kazakhstan 5 2
B04. 002 Physics 5 2
B.023 Teaching practice 2 2
В27.195 Motorist training (introduction to the specialty) 5 2
В.025 Industrial practice 4 2
B.022 Physical training 2 2
B.006.1 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А2) 5 2
B.006.2 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level В1) 5 2
B.006.3 Kazakh (Russsian) Language (level В2) 5 2
B.005.1 Foreign language (level A2) 5 2
B.005.2 Foreign language (level B1) 5 2
B.005.3 Foreign language (level B2) 5 2
B.022 Physical training 2 3
В27.186 Maritime law 5 3
B.017 The basics of anticorruption culture 5 3
B02.053 Thinking design 5 3
В.037 Sacral Mangystau 5 3
В16.002 Economic theory 5 3
В.038 Media literacy 5 3
В.012 Basics of labor safety and life safety 5 3
B.002 Philosophy 5 3
B26. 001 Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics 6 3
В.033 Fundamentals of academic writing 3 3
B27.018 Ship auxiliary mechanisms, systems and devices and their operation 6 3
B27.018 Course work in discipline Ship auxiliary mechanisms, systems and devices 0 3
В27.006 Theory of mechanisms and machines 5 4
В27.006 Сourse work in discipline Theory of mechanisms and machines 0 4
В27.199 Technology of using fuel, water and oil on a ship 6 4
B.007 Information and communication technologies 5 4
В27.014 Structure and theory of the vessel 7 4
В27.014 Course work in discipline Structure and theory of the vessel 0 4
В27.205 Theoretical mechanics 6 4
В.025 Industrial practice 4 4
B.022 Physical training 2 4
В30.002 Electrical engineering and basics electronics 5 5
В27.194 Business and academic communication in English 3 5
В27. 005 Materials. Technology of construction materials 5 5
В27.196 The design of marine internal combustion engines 7 5
В27.197 Marine steam boilers, steam and gas turbines 8 5
B27.019 Ship refrigeration and air conditioning systems 5 5
В27.003 Hydro mechanical engineering 6 6
В27.193 Marine electronics, electrical equipment and their operation 6 6
В27.011 Technical thermodynamics and heat transfer 5 6
В27.157 Dual-fuel and direct propulsion systems 6 6
В27.202 Theory of marine internal combustion engines 7 6
В27.202 Course work in discipline Theory of marine internal combustion engines 0 6
В.025 Industrial practice 4 6
В27.040 Metrology, standardization, certification 6 7
В27.200 Ship repair technology and maintenance 6 7
В27.201 Technical operation of ship power plants 7 7
В27.203 Fundamentals of automatic control of ship machines and mechanisms 5 7
В27.204 Operation of ship power plants and auxiliary mechanisms (simulator module ERS 4000) 6 8
В.025 Industrial practice 8 8
В27.161 Civil ship crew training course 5 9
В27.198 Keeping watch in the engine and boiler room of the vessel (MER-3D training module) 6 9
B27.020 Fundamentals of the theory of reliability and diagnostics 6 9
В27.032 Operation of ship turbine installations 5 9
В27.033 Operation of ship boiler and steam generating plants 5 9
B27.023 Automated control system for power plants 6 9
B27.023 Сourse work on discipline Automated control systems for power plants 0 9
В27.163 Operation of technological complexes of tankers 4 9
В27.168 Management of technical security of vessels 6 9
B.027 Pre-diploma practice 12 10
В.029 Final Attestation 12 10


Копбаев Жаксылык Толеубекович

Dean "Maritime Academy"

No employment

1 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 29.08.2022 03.09.2022
Theoretical Study 15 05.09.2022 17.12.2022
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 24.10.2022 29.10.2022
Курсовая работа 1 12.12.2022 17.12.2022
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 12.12.2022 17.12.2022
Final State Examinations (100) 3 19.12.2022 07.01.2023
Midterm Control 3 19.12.2022 07.01.2023
Final Examinations (100) 4 19.12.2022 14.01.2023
Vacation 1 16.01.2023 21.01.2023

2 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Theoretical Study 15 23.01.2023 06.05.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 13.03.2023 18.03.2023
Orientation Week 1 24.04.2023 30.04.2023
Курсовая работа 1 01.05.2023 06.05.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 01.05.2023 06.05.2023
Final State Examinations (100) 3 08.05.2023 27.05.2023
Midterm Control 3 08.05.2023 27.05.2023
Final Examinations (100) 4 08.05.2023 03.06.2023
Practice 6 05.06.2023 15.07.2023
Summer Semester 6 19.06.2023 29.07.2023
Theoretical Study 5 19.06.2023 22.07.2023
Summer Semester 6 19.06.2023 29.07.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 03.07.2023 08.07.2023
Курсовая работа 1 17.07.2023 22.07.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 17.07.2023 22.07.2023
Midterm Control 1 24.07.2023 29.07.2023
Final Examinations (100) 1 24.07.2023 29.07.2023

3 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 28.08.2023 02.09.2023
Theoretical Study 15 04.09.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 23.10.2023 28.10.2023
Курсовая работа 1 11.12.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 11.12.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 3 18.12.2023 06.01.2024
Final Examinations (100) 4 18.12.2023 13.01.2024
Vacation 1 15.01.2024 20.01.2024

4 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Theoretical Study 15 22.01.2024 04.05.2024
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 11.03.2024 16.03.2024
Orientation Week 1 15.04.2024 20.04.2024
Курсовая работа 1 29.04.2024 04.05.2024
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 29.04.2024 04.05.2024
Midterm Control 3 06.05.2024 25.05.2024
Final Examinations (100) 4 06.05.2024 01.06.2024
Practice 6 03.06.2024 13.07.2024
Summer Semester 6 17.06.2024 27.07.2024

5 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 26.08.2024 31.08.2024
Theoretical Study 15 02.09.2024 14.12.2024
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 21.10.2024 26.10.2024
Курсовая работа 1 09.12.2024 14.12.2024
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 09.12.2024 14.12.2024
Midterm Control 3 16.12.2024 04.01.2025
Final Examinations (100) 4 16.12.2024 11.01.2025
Vacation 1 13.01.2025 18.01.2025