Physical education and sport


Preparation of highly qualified competitive bachelors in the field of physical culture and sports activities, possessing general cultural and professional competencies, capable of modernizing and developing a well-thought-out social policy and corporate culture in the field of modern pedagogy, capable of successfully working in the field of education within the framework of providing high-quality educational services for consumers of all levels through the formation of the necessary fundamental knowledge, skills and skills in professional activity.


№	Type of training results	Description of training results
1-Draws up lesson plans taking into account the characteristics and needs of students, determines the appropriate teaching methods and assessment tools, and plans training sessions.
2-Expresses his own civil and moral position, possessing global and national spiritual and moral values, economic and legal knowledge.
3-Conducts training sessions on sports with the use of didactic knowledge on the theory and methodology of Physical Culture, the physiological foundations of Physical Culture and sports, health-improving technologies in the field of Physical Culture and sports.
4-Conducts training sessions in Physical Culture and sports, in particular in athletics, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball and movement Games, takes into account the age and needs of students and uses effective methods.
5-Forms the educational process, respecting the personality of students, taking into account the level of emotional intelligence of students, applying knowledge about pedagogy, age psychology and physiology of development of students.
6-Promotes the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle in cooperation with parents, teachers and Society of students, applies theoretical knowledge and practical skills in organizing mass Physical Culture and sports events in the education of students.
7-Develops training programs and methods for Physical Culture and sports, designs individual development trajectories of students, taking into account their individual abilities and needs, uses information and communication technologies of training, and uses a wide range of educational resources.
8-Develops educational and methodological materials on subjects in accordance with the assigned goals of classes, defining methods and approaches to teaching National Sports, mass Physical Culture and sports, recreational technology in the field of Physical Culture and sports and active types of Tourism.
9-Conducts research in the field of theory and methodology of Physical Culture, physiology of Physical Culture and sports, organizes research/design work of students, presents research results in writing.
10-Uses the results of current research on improving the educational process, including Lesson Study, in teaching the theory and methodology of Physical Culture, the basics of swimming, table tennis, motor games, the physiological foundations of Physical Culture and sports, as well as therapeutic Physical Culture.
11-Develops students ' language competencies, maintains a comfortable, accessible learning environment and emotional and psychological climate in the classroom, develops non-standard thinking, initiates innovative ideas, correctly selects and uses information from internet resources, and conducts effective communication.
12-Using knowledge of the basics of economic theory, entrepreneurship, design of thinking, a foreign language, practice-oriented special courses on physical education, carries out a reflection of their activities with a deep study of pedagogical practice, identifying their own needs in improving professional activity by planning their own professional development with the possibility of further organizing their business.
Cycle Count of subjects
Basic disciplines (compulsory component) 28
General educational disciplines (elective courses component) 7
General educational disciplines (compulsory component) 23
Profil discipline (elective courses component) 6
Profil discipline (compulsory component) 6

Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить 240 ECTS

Код Subjects Credit Semester
В03.048 Anatomy, sports morphology and physiology of physical culture 5 1
В02.001 Theory and method of educational work 3 1
B01.004 Physiology of development of schoolchildren 5 1
B.022 Physical training 2 1
В.006.1 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А1) 5 1
В.006.2 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level В1) 5 1
В.006.3 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А2) 5 1
В.005.1 Foreign language (level A1) 5 1
В.005.2 Foreign language (level B1) 5 1
В.005.3 Foreign language (level A2) 5 1
B.001 History of Kazakhstan 5 1
B.010 Service learning 5 2
В03.049 Psychology and pedagogy of physical culture and sports 5 2
B.005.1 Foreign language (level A1) 5 2
В.005.2 Foreign language (level B1) 5 2
B.005.3 Foreign language (level B2) 5 2
В.006.1 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level А1) 5 2
В.006.2 Kazakh (Russian) Language (level В1) 5 2
В.006.3 Kazakh (Russsian) Language (level В2) 5 2
B.031 Sociology 2 2
B.031 Political science 2 2
B.031 Cultural studies 2 2
B.031 Psychology 2 2
B.022 Physical training 2 2
B.023 Teaching practice 2 2
В.007 Information and communication technologies 5 3
В.022 Physical training 2 3
В03.050 Athletics and cross-country training with teaching methods 5 3
B01.001 Pedagogics 5 3
B01.026 Developmental Psychology 5 3
В.039 Global ecology 3 3
В01.007 Emotional intelligence 5 3
В.002 Philosophy 5 4
В.022 Physical training 2 4
В.043 Psychological and pedagogical practice 2 4
B.013 Basics of law 5 4
B.017 The basics of anticorruption culture 5 4
В.037 Sacral Mangystau 5 4
В.038 Media literacy 5 4
В16.002 Economic theory 5 4
В02.053 Thinking design 5 4
B11.017 Art of speech 5 4
В.011 Entrepreneurship 5 4
В.036 Digital pedagogy 3 4
В02.074 Lesson design and assessment 5 4
В03.017 Physical therapy and massage 5 4
В.026 Pedagogical practice 2 5
В.026 Pedagogical practice 3 5
В03.052 Theory and Methods of Physical culture 5 5
В03.013 Olympic education 5 5
В03.046 Active tourism with teaching methods 5 5
В03.054 Management of physical education and sports 5 5
В03.027 Gymnastics with teaching methods 5 5
B01.005 Inclusive education 5 5
В.026 Pedagogical practice 3 6
В03.058 Physical culture as a phenomenon of modern culture 5 6
В03.056 Applied physical education and sports for people with special needs 5 6
В03.053 Wellness coach 5 6
В03.051 Sports and outdoor games with teaching methods 5 6
В03.002 History of physical culture and sports 5 6
B44.017 Fundamentals of academic writing 3 6
В03.057 Organization of design and research activities in the field of physical culture and sports 5 7
В03.035 National sports with teaching methods 5 7
В03.055 Marketing of physical education and sports 5 7
В03.019 Swimming with the methods of teaching 5 7
В03.052 Theory and Methods of Physical culture 5 7
В44.015 Organization of research /project work 5 7
В.044 Industrial pedagogical practice 5 7
В.027 Pre-diploma practice 10 8
В.029 Final Attestation 12 8


Озгамбаева Райхан Омирзаковна

Dean "Education"

Ахметов Нурсапа Абдикеримович

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Кыстаубаева Кундуз Тазабаевна

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»

Старший преподаватель

Молдаханов Исенбай Отегенович

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»

Старший преподаватель

Дабысов Галымбек Икиласович

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»

Старший преподаватель

Маханбет Ержан Тайбағарұлы

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор

Карленов Дуйсенбек Еркожаұлы

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»

Старший преподаватель

Альжанов Ерик Маликович

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»

Senior Lecture

Нурбаев Берекет Дуйсенбекович

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»


Сейдалиев Кенесары Наурызбайулы

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»


Мендалиев Балгабай Мырзабаевич

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»


Суебаев Канагат Кабиевич

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»

Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Бектасов Нияз Умерсерикович

«дене тәрбиесі және спорт»

Senior Lecture

No employment

1 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 29.08.2022 03.09.2022
Theoretical Study 15 05.09.2022 17.12.2022
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 24.10.2022 29.10.2022
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 12.12.2022 17.12.2022
Final State Examinations (100) 4 19.12.2022 14.01.2023
Midterm Control 4 19.12.2022 14.01.2023
Final Examinations (100) 4 19.12.2022 14.01.2023
Vacation 1 16.01.2023 21.01.2023

2 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Theoretical Study 15 23.01.2023 06.05.2023
Practice 4 06.02.2023 04.03.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 13.03.2023 18.03.2023
Orientation Week 1 24.04.2023 30.04.2023
Курсовая работа 1 01.05.2023 06.05.2023
Midterm Control 1 01.05.2023 06.05.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 01.05.2023 06.05.2023
Final State Examinations (100) 4 08.05.2023 03.06.2023
Final Examinations (100) 4 08.05.2023 03.06.2023
Summer Semester 6 19.06.2023 29.07.2023
Theoretical Study 5 19.06.2023 22.07.2023
Summer Semester 6 19.06.2023 29.07.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 03.07.2023 08.07.2023
Курсовая работа 1 17.07.2023 22.07.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 17.07.2023 22.07.2023
Midterm Control 1 24.07.2023 29.07.2023
Final Examinations (100) 1 24.07.2023 29.07.2023
Final State Examinations (100) 1 26.07.2023 29.07.2023

3 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 28.08.2023 02.09.2023
Theoretical Study 15 04.09.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 23.10.2023 28.10.2023
Курсовая работа 1 11.12.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 11.12.2023 16.12.2023
Midterm Control 4 18.12.2023 13.01.2024
Final Examinations (100) 4 18.12.2023 13.01.2024
Vacation 1 15.01.2024 20.01.2024

4 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Theoretical Study 16 22.01.2024 06.05.2024
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 11.03.2024 16.03.2024
Practice 4 01.04.2024 27.04.2024
Orientation Week 1 15.04.2024 20.04.2024
Курсовая работа 1 29.04.2024 04.05.2024
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 29.04.2024 04.05.2024
Final State Examinations (100) 4 06.05.2024 01.06.2024
Midterm Control 4 06.05.2024 01.06.2024
Final Examinations (100) 4 06.05.2024 01.06.2024
Summer Semester 6 17.06.2024 27.07.2024
Theoretical Study 5 17.06.2024 20.07.2024
Summer Semester 6 17.06.2024 27.07.2024
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 01.07.2024 06.07.2024
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 15.07.2024 20.07.2024
Final State Examinations (100) 1 22.07.2024 27.07.2024
Midterm Control 1 22.07.2024 27.07.2024
Final Examinations (100) 1 22.07.2024 27.07.2024

5 - семестр

Период Недель От До
Orientation Week 1 26.08.2024 31.08.2024
Theoretical Study 15 02.09.2024 14.12.2024
Practice 6 30.09.2024 09.11.2024
Midterm Control 1 (100) 1 21.10.2024 26.10.2024
Курсовая работа 1 09.12.2024 14.12.2024
Midterm Control 2 (100) 1 09.12.2024 14.12.2024
Midterm Control 4 16.12.2024 11.01.2025
Final Examinations (100) 4 16.12.2024 11.01.2025
Vacation 1 13.01.2025 18.01.2025