Training of competitive mathematics teachers/researchers with in -depth knowledge in the subject area, skills and abilities of teaching mathematics on the basis of updated education; - managerial, digital, language knowledge, skills and abilities; - the ability to organize and conduct scientific research in the field of mathematics; - the ability to implement the results of the conducted research into the practical activities of educational institutions
ON 1-Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of basic and core disciplines ON 2-Critically analyzes research in the following areas, as well as organizes and conducts its own scientific research ON 3-Applies modern methods and research results in the formulation and solution of mathematical problems and teaching mathematics ON 4-Applies modern information technologies to solve specific theoretical and applied problems ON 5-Develops training courses and programs for online and mixed mathematics education ON 6-At the fundamental level, systematically solves mathematical problems ON 7-Solves problems and makes decisions, communicates effectively in a professional and social environment ON 8-Carries out reflection and self-assessment of his research activities, determines the directions of further professional development
Cycle | Count of subjects | Basic disciplines (Elective courses component) | 6 | Basic disciplines (compulsory component) | 5 | Additional Types of Learning 1 | 4 | Additional Types of Learning 2 | 1 | Profil discipline (compulsory component) | 8 |
Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить | 120 ECTS |
Диярова Лязат Динишевна
Department of fundamental sciences
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
Кощанова Гулаш Рахметкызы
Department of fundamental sciences
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
Кулжагарова Базаргуль Табылгановна
Department of fundamental sciences
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
Таймуратова Лидия Унгарбаевна
Department of fundamental sciences
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)
Туркменбаев Асет Бекболатович
Department of fundamental sciences
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
Асилбаева Рахила Бекмуратовна
Department of fundamental sciences
Старший преподаватель
Урбисинова Батихан Туленжановна
Department of fundamental sciences
Старший преподаватель
Бижанова Карлыгаш Бактыбаевна
Department of fundamental sciences
Head of the department
Дуйсенбаева Гулзира Абдиллаевна
Department of fundamental sciences
Старший преподаватель
Карабасова Гульдана Бердигалиевна
Department of fundamental sciences
Старший преподаватель
Бекешова Лаура Дохтырбаевна
Department of fundamental sciences
Senior Lecture
Сағынбай Ақтолқын Серікбайқызы
Department of fundamental sciences
Ходжаева Акия Енсегеновна
Department of fundamental sciences
Senior Lecture
Жумадилов Ержан Есетович
Department of fundamental sciences
Senior Lecture
Толегенов Салават Аманжолович
Department of fundamental sciences
Старший преподаватель
Шаждекеева Нургуль Кыдырбаевна
Department of fundamental sciences
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
Рамазанова Ханым Сагингалиевна
Department of fundamental sciences
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)
Раимов Айбек Әнуарұлы
Department of fundamental sciences
Тлеубергенова Мадина Альмухановна
Department of fundamental sciences
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
No employment
1 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Orientation Week | 1 | 29.08.2022 | 03.09.2022 | Theoretical Study | 15 | 19.09.2022 | 31.12.2022 | НИР | 7 | 24.10.2022 | 10.12.2022 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 07.11.2022 | 12.11.2022 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 26.12.2022 | 31.12.2022 | Final Examinations (100) | 2 | 02.01.2023 | 14.01.2023 | Vacation | 1 | 16.01.2023 | 21.01.2023 |
2 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Theoretical Study | 15 | 23.01.2023 | 06.05.2023 | Midterm Control | 1 | 13.03.2023 | 18.03.2023 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 13.03.2023 | 18.03.2023 | НИР | 7 | 20.03.2023 | 06.05.2023 | Orientation Week | 1 | 24.04.2023 | 30.04.2023 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 01.05.2023 | 06.05.2023 | Final Examinations (100) | 3 | 08.05.2023 | 27.05.2023 | Summer Semester | 6 | 19.06.2023 | 29.07.2023 |
3 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Orientation Week | 1 | 28.08.2023 | 02.09.2023 | Practice | 4 | 11.09.2023 | 07.10.2023 | Theoretical Study | 15 | 18.09.2023 | 30.12.2023 | НИР | 4 | 30.10.2023 | 26.11.2023 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 06.11.2023 | 11.11.2023 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 25.12.2023 | 30.12.2023 | Final Examinations (100) | 2 | 03.01.2024 | 13.01.2024 | Vacation | 1 | 22.01.2024 | 27.01.2024 |
4 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Practice | 12 | 22.01.2024 | 13.04.2024 | НИР | 6 | 23.01.2024 | 04.03.2024 | Graduation work | 12 | 15.04.2024 | 06.07.2024 |