Training of bachelors in transport engineering and technology capable of professional growth and mobility, with key and professional competencies and the ability to solve the problems of designing, operating and repairing transport equipment in the context of globalization of the world community
ON1 Know the organizational structure of engineering and repair industries; program-target methods and methods of their use in the analysis and improvement of production; use system concepts to understand and identify problems.
ON2 To know the basics of comparison and evaluation of transport equipment; construction of transport equipment; to determine the characteristics of the conditions of design, manufacture, operation and modes of transport equipment; to have the skills to apply the basic regulations for the operation of transport equipment and equipment.
ON3 To know the basics of legislation and the regulatory framework of the industry; the basics of the market economy; to identify program-target methods of analysis of technical, technological, organizational, economic and social issues.
ON4 Know the methods of engineering calculations and engineering and management decision-making; basics of certification and licensing of enterprises, staff; be able to use the best industry, cross-industry and foreign experience; have the skills of rational methods of search and use of scientific and technical information.
ON5 Know the materials used in the construction of transport equipment, and their properties; properties and features of the use of alternative fuels; have skills in the methods of technical control in the current production.
ON6 Know the design features of transport equipment using alternative fuels; the state and direction of the use of scientific achievements in professional activities; have the skills to use methods and instruments of research
ON7 To know the methods of work and communication with the staff, selection and placement of personnel; foreign experience in the chosen field of activity, to be able to use the legislation and technical regulations in force in transport, including traffic safety, working conditions, environmental issues; to have the skills to use metrological rules and regulations.
ON8 To be able to apply data of the analysis of mechanisms of wear, corrosion, loss of durability of designs; to rely on social and psychological bases of management of collective; to have skills of work with hardware and hardware complexes of information systems and in the organization of safe working conditions and elimination of accidents.
ON 9 Formulates the strategic goals and objectives of the enterprise in the field of ensuring the safety of motor vehicles, taking into account the rational organization of transportation and traffic management
ON 10 Organizes monitoring of compliance with the operating mode of electrical and electronic systems in power plants of transport equipment
ON 11 Draws up a plan for the implementation of the strategy in accordance with the goals and technical policy of the enterprise, assessing the applied tasks of transport logistics, applying modern methods of the basics of designing transport enterprises and highways
ON 12 Determines the directions of further personal and professional development, effective areas of application of their abilities with the possibility of organizing their own business, using knowledge of the basics of economic theory, entrepreneurship, design thinking, a foreign language, the basics of law