

Training of specialists, which meets the needs of the labor market and the requirements of employers through the creation of conditions for students to acquire the necessary for the implementation of professional activity level of knowledge, skills, experience and the formation of competencies in accordance with the educational standard


ON 1-The ability to abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis, the ability to improve and develop their intellectual and cultural level;
ON 2-Willingness to act in non-standard situations, to bear social and ethical responsibility for decisions;
ON 3-Ability to independently master and use new research methods, to master new areas of professional activity, ability and readiness to master one of the foreign languages, to written and oral communication in their professional activities
ON 4-Ability to use information technologies and to form resource and information bases for implementation of practical activity in various spheres ;
ON 5-Willingness to use knowledge of modern problems of science and education in solving professional problems; ability to form an educational environment and use professional knowledge and skills in the implementation of innovative educational policy
ON 6-Readiness to develop and implement methods, technologies and teaching methods, to analyze the results of the process of their use in organizations engaged in educational activities, knows the methodological and didactic methods of work in geography lessons in high School and University, to be able to use modern learning technologies;
ON 7-Ability to analyze the results of scientific research, apply them in solving specific research problems in the field of science and education, independently carry out scientific research
ON 8-Ability to use basic knowledge, basic approaches and methods of economic and geographical research, to be able to apply in practice theoretical knowledge of political geography and geopolitics, geography of the main sectors of the economy, their main geographical patterns, factors of location and development; to apply methods of economic-geographic research, geographic zoning, socio-economic cartography for processing, analysis and synthesis of economic and geographical information, the skills of spatial planning and design of various types of socio-economic and environmental activities, ability to apply basic models and tools of regional policy
Cycle Count of subjects
Basic disciplines (Elective courses component) 6
Basic disciplines (compulsory component) 5
Additional Types of Learning 1 5
Profil discipline (elective courses component) 10
Profil discipline (compulsory component) 3

Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить 120 ECTS

Код Subjects Credit Semester
М23.001 Organization and planning of research works on geography 5 1
М23.002 Methodology of field research in geography 5 1
М03.011 Organization of research works of undergraduates 5 1
М01.023 Management of complete pedagogical process 5 1
М23.003 Integrated educational programs in the natural science cycle 5 1
М23.004 Interdisciplinary connections in the modern educational system 5 1
М.002 History and philosophy of science 4 1
М.001 Foreign Language (professional) 4 1
М.010 Мaster's scientific and research work including internship and implementation of master's thesis 7 1
М.010 Мaster's scientific and research work including internship and implementation of master's thesis 7 2
М.015 Pedagogy of higher education 4 2
М.014 Psychology of management 4 2
М23.007 GIS technologies in geography 5 2
М23.008 Socio-economic cartography 5 2
М23.005 Methods of teaching geography in SSEI and HEI 5 2
М23.010 Cultural geography 5 2
М23.011 Problems geourbanistics 5 3
М23.012 Ecology of mankind 5 3
М23.013 Fundamentals of regional studies and territorial administration 6 3
М23.014 Regional economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 6 3
М23.015 Territorial organization of the economy 6 3
М23.006 Innovative processes and trends in education 5 3
М23.009 Geography of transport and infrastructure 5 3
М23.016 Regional economy of the Mangystau region 6 3
М.007 Pedagogical practice 4 3
М.010 Мaster's scientific and research work including internship and implementation of master's thesis 4 3
М.010 Мaster's scientific and research work including internship and implementation of master's thesis 6 4
М.006 Researsh practice 12 4
М.013 Registration and defence of master 12 4


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