The purpose of the educational program in the specialty 7М01701 – Kazakh language and literature – taking into account the prospects for the development of individuals with high spiritual and exemplary qualities, the development and training of competitive , highly qualified personnel with higher education and unique thinking that ensure the technical, scientific, socio-economic and cultural development of our state.
Objectives of the educational program in the specialty 7М01701 – Kazakh language and literature:
- Training of highly qualified teachers who are in demand in the labor market;;
- Formation of fundamental knowledge in the field of Humanities and implementation of innovate;
- Formation of basic and special competencies of masters with high social and civil responsib
- The mastery of the students scientific
research and practical methods for analyzing processes and phenomena in modern linguistics and literary studies
- Formation of universal and social and personal values within the framework of the world Outlook and scientific thinking
- Works with the main provisions of psychological , pedagogical, linguistic, philological, social and humanitarian, natural disciplines that provide the fundamental scientific and theoretical foundations of professional and educational activities. Understands scientific theories within the framework of modern scientific linguistic directions
- Pedagogical, philological education has priority in the field of professional training and distinguishes as a system- forming part;
- Knows the specifics of the process of teaching the state language , aimed at the development of cognitive functions of students, the education of morals.
- Theoretical and practical significance of the research: the problem, goals, objectives, object, subject, hypothesis, methodological basis, leading idea, research method, defines and correctly formulates the scientific and conceptual scientific apparatus.
-Acquired linguistic knowledge, along with education of younger generation, analyze the history of Kazakh writing, stages of writing Turkic peoples, analyze the semantic meanings are used in the study of modern language linguistic judgments, study of literary schools in the world literary process, find the characteristics of romanticism, realism, symbolism, sentimentalism, naturalism, modernism, postmodernism, scientific projects, literary and psychological analysis of literary texts.
-Search and processing of information : critical analysis, synthesis, received and processed data are creatively used in their research work based on the updated methodology of the language and teaching the Kazakh language and Kazakh literature.
- The research uses theoretical problems of periodization of the history of language, theoretical bases of periodization of the history of literature and various methods of interpretation. Systematizes the ancient literary heritage, conducts textual analysis.
- Conducts scientific research based on the methodology of scientific research; manages scientific projects by making judgments about the essence of scientific research ; about the main concepts of modern education and the role of the Kazakh language and literature in the development of modern teaching methodology.
- Uses modern cognitive-linguistic-cultural methods of teaching the Kazakh language and literature in scientific research in the field of teaching
- Systematically develops programs for planning , organizing and implementing educational activities for certain types of training sessions (laboratory, practical and seminar classes) in literary, linguistic and methodological disciplines in higher education organizations.
- Scientifically analyze the theory and linguistic judgments of linguistic schools about the language in the study of modern language , the common sides and differences of the alphabets of the Turkic peoples who applied to Latin graphics, thematic and ideological features, artistic features of Abay's works, finds the problems of the history of formation, development, and study of genres of Kazakh folklore.
- Selects and justifies the relevance of the research topic; makes a research program and makes a conclusion, confirming its logical structure, the emergence of metalinguistic, ethnographic, areal research in language education;
- Theoretical and practical significance of the research: the problem, goals, tasks, object, subject, hypothesis, methodological basis, leading idea, research method, demonstrates and systematizes the scientific and conceptual scientific apparatus;
- Literature of the Turkic peoples the foundations of historical kornetii analyze the literature of one nation, current problems in the Kazakh literary science , diachronic and synchronous aspects of the study of areal linguistics, ethnolinguistic, linguocultural, cognitive, neuro- linguistic, paralinguistic research in Kazakh linguistics.
- current problems of laws of semantics, comparative literature, General literature systematize the characteristic features of comparative studies, influential trends.
- Develops and systematizes a Methodological portfolio for the implementation of professional development activities during teaching practice.
- Determines the relevance and significance of the work on the topic of the master's project (dissertation), develops the educational program of the Kazakh language and literature. Conducts research, analyzes the master's project (dissertation). they can fully master the structure of writing scientific articles , consider artistic texts as an object of research using new research technologies. Offers scientific discoveries.
- Conducts work in a scientific environment that is fluent in spiritual and cognitive, literary and linguistic works.