Studying in a master's degree develops specialized and analytical competencies, prepares the foundation for a scientific or managerial career. With this qualification, it is easier to get a prestigious job and take off from a higher starting position. All other things being equal, recruiters are more likely to opt for a candidate with a master's degree. In addition, a master's degree is a mandatory requirement for those who plan to enter and study in doctoral studies, continue their research and become part of the scientific community.
cognitive (A1) Demonstrates deep knowledge of modern methodology of higher education pedagogy, new teaching methods, history and philosophy of science, basic achievements of psychological science, speaks at least one foreign language at the level of fluency. functional (B1) She applies her professional knowledge and skills in the field of economic and business management to solve specific theoretical and applied problems, as well as to carry out projects using modern programs for analysis, data processing for conducting economic research. functional (B2) Analyzes the principles of building business processes, ways to modernize and improve economic systems in order to plan highly effective business models and projects. functional (B3) Conducts micro-macroeconomic analysis of modern economic and business development, formulates problems and tasks of scientific research. system (C1) Develops and provides analysis of innovations and investments in business, selects the appropriate methodology, determines the stages of research, evaluates and interprets the results obtained. system (C2) Designs modern technological schemes of business solutions, models the process of companies' activities, analytical materials for assessing events at the micro and macro levels, assesses international economic relations in the context of the globalization of the world economy. socio-communicative (D) In his professional activities, he applies teaching and assessment strategies that contribute to the development of critical thinking, demonstrates management activities within the framework of the company's activity strategy, involving the coordination of work with other areas, applying the foundations of economics and management. meta competence (E) Able to carry out reflection and self-assessment of his experimental and research activities, uses the knowledge of philosophy of science to determine the direction of further professional development.
Cycle | Count of subjects | Basic disciplines (Elective courses component) | 2 | Basic disciplines (compulsory component) | 4 | Additional Types of Learning 1 | 2 | General educational disciplines (elective courses component) | 1 | Profil discipline (elective courses component) | 3 | Profil discipline (compulsory component) | 2 |
Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить | 60 ECTS |
Код | Subjects | Credit | Semester | М.001 | Foreign Language (professional) | 2 | 1 | М.005 | Management | 2 | 1 | М.014 | Psychology of management | 2 | 1 | М05.002 | Economics of business processes | 4 | 1 | М05.005 | Investment analysis in business | 4 | 1 | М05.001 | Economic safety of firm | 5 | 1 | М05.004 | Business-planning of innovative projects | 5 | 1 | М05.011 | Franchisee strategy of development of business | 5 | 1 | М05.016 | Innovative business | 5 | 1 | М05.013 | Business valuation | 5 | 1 | М05.014 | Investment Management | 5 | 1 | М.008 | Industrial practice | 5 | 2 | М.010 | Master`s experimental and research work including implementation of master project | 13 | 2 | М.013 | Registration and defence of master's project | 12 | 2 |
Абилшеева Рысгул Койшыгуловна
Dean "Business and Law"
Яновская Ольга Алексеевна
Естурлиева Айгуль Икласовна
Head of the department
Конысбаева Айымжан Айтуаровна
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)
Бекбергенова Жулдыз Толегеновна
Старший преподаватель
Таскараева Майра Бакыбаевна
Старший преподаватель
Утебалиева Дина Борисовна
Старший преподаватель
Омарова Айжан Игиликовна
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
Аманиязова Гулимай Демегеновна
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
Есбергенова Бибигуль Майлашевна
Старший преподаватель
Жайлаубаева Жадра Алламратовна
Старший преподаватель
Жумабекова Гаухар Жунисовна
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)
Бекмырза Бекзат Жаулыұлы
Старший преподаватель
Жумурова Айсулу Кыдыровна
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
No employment
1 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Theoretical Study | 15 | 02.09.2019 | 14.12.2019 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 21.10.2019 | 26.10.2019 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 09.12.2019 | 14.12.2019 | Final Examinations (100) | 3 | 16.12.2019 | 04.01.2020 |
2 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Practice | 5 | 06.01.2020 | 08.02.2020 | НИР | 13 | 06.01.2020 | 04.04.2020 | Graduation work | 12 | 06.04.2020 | 27.06.2020 | Writig of Diploma Work | 12 | 06.04.2020 | 27.06.2020 |