Specialty "Economics" is aimed at the implementation of the mission, political and strategic plan of the University, the provision of educational services in the field of higher and postgraduate education, providing highly qualified specialists in the field of business and Economics for sustainable economic development of the country, including the Mangystau region. The purpose of this specialty – the implementation of education based on the competence approach and multilingualism, as well as the training of highly competitive, competent professionals in the field of business and Economics, multilingual and multicultural personality, able to become leaders in their chosen professional activities and competitive in the labor market.
1.Possess extensive fundamental knowledge in the field of natural Sciences and social Sciences and Humanities. To use the basis of philosophical knowledge for the formation of ideological position, as well as professional creativity for continuous self-education. Be able to handle modern technology, use information technology in the field of professional activity, as well as know foreign languages. 2.Be able to work in a team, focusing on ethical values based on culture, public opinion, traditions, customs, social norms. To be able to defend their point of view, to offer new solutions, to correlate their opinion with the opinion of the team, to obey the collective decision. Be able to see the social responsibility of business, pay attention to problems like environmental protection. 3.To be able to apply the acquired knowledge for development, acceptance and realization of decisions in the conditions of free business activity. Ability to perform functional duties in Economics, analysis and management. Be able to collect, analyze and process data necessary for solving professional problems, choose tools for processing economic data in accordance with the task, analyze the results of calculations and justify the findings, as well as to find organizational and managerial decisions in professional activities and willingness to bear responsibility for them. 4.Apply and analyze the initial data necessary for the calculation of economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of economic entities, as well as on the basis of standard methods and the current regulatory framework to calculate the economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of economic entities. 5.To apply calculations necessary for drawing up economic sections of plans, to justify them and to present results of work according to the standards accepted in the organization. Apply economic thinking and logic in solving practical issues and problems in the field of Economics, taking into account its internationalization and globalization. 6.To apply rules and procedures of planning of activity of the enterprise, formation and realization of its economic strategy, process of activity by production resources, management of stocks of the enterprise, the organization of compensation and personnel management. 7.To apply knowledge on development of investment and innovation policy, implementation of controlling of all economic activity of the enterprise, the organization and the analysis of business activity, efficiency of administrative decisions, management of profitability of the enterprise. 8.Apply models of economic activity of economic entities taking into account the cyclical nature of the functioning of the market economy, knowledge of the characteristics of regional markets, to know the features of regional markets, especially the functioning of enterprises of various industries. Apply the necessary data, analyze them and prepare an information review and / or analytical report, as well as use for analytical and research tasks.
Cycle | Count of subjects | Basic disciplines (Elective courses component) | 27 | Basic disciplines (compulsory component) | 16 | Additional Types of Learning 1 | 6 | General educational disciplines (elective courses component) | 10 | General educational disciplines (compulsory component) | 24 | Profil discipline (elective courses component) | 12 | Profil discipline (compulsory component) | 5 |
Для успешного завершения курса необходимо освоить | 240 ECTS |
Абилшеева Рысгул Койшыгуловна
Dean "Business and Law"
Яновская Ольга Алексеевна
Естурлиева Айгуль Икласовна
Head of the department
Конысбаева Айымжан Айтуаровна
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)
Бекбергенова Жулдыз Толегеновна
Старший преподаватель
Таскараева Майра Бакыбаевна
Старший преподаватель
Утебалиева Дина Борисовна
Старший преподаватель
Омарова Айжан Игиликовна
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
Аманиязова Гулимай Демегеновна
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
Салкынбаева Фатима Давитбаевна
Старший преподаватель
Есбергенова Бибигуль Майлашевна
Старший преподаватель
Жайлаубаева Жадра Алламратовна
Старший преподаватель
Жумабекова Гаухар Жунисовна
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)
Бекмырза Бекзат Жаулыұлы
Старший преподаватель
Жумурова Айсулу Кыдыровна
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор
No employment
1 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Theoretical Study | 15 | 02.09.2019 | 14.12.2019 | Theoretical Study | 8 | 23.09.2019 | 16.11.2019 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 21.10.2019 | 26.10.2019 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 11.11.2019 | 16.11.2019 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 09.12.2019 | 14.12.2019 | Final State Examinations (100) | 4 | 16.12.2019 | 11.01.2020 | Midterm Control | 4 | 16.12.2019 | 11.01.2020 | Final Examinations (100) | 4 | 16.12.2019 | 11.01.2020 | Vacation | 2 | 13.01.2020 | 25.01.2020 |
2 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Theoretical Study | 16 | 20.01.2020 | 09.05.2020 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 16.03.2020 | 21.03.2020 | Orientation Week | 1 | 20.04.2020 | 25.04.2020 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 04.05.2020 | 09.05.2020 | Midterm Control | 4 | 11.05.2020 | 06.06.2020 | Final Examinations (100) | 4 | 11.05.2020 | 06.06.2020 | Practice | 3 | 08.06.2020 | 27.06.2020 | Summer Semester | 6 | 15.06.2020 | 25.07.2020 | Theoretical Study | 5 | 15.06.2020 | 18.07.2020 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 29.06.2020 | 04.07.2020 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 13.07.2020 | 18.07.2020 | Final Examinations (100) | 1 | 20.07.2020 | 25.07.2020 | Final State Examinations (100) | 1 | 21.07.2020 | 25.07.2020 | Midterm Control | 1 | 21.07.2020 | 25.07.2020 | Theoretical Study | 3 | 27.07.2020 | 15.08.2020 | Summer Semester | 4 | 27.07.2020 | 22.08.2020 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 03.08.2020 | 08.08.2020 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 10.08.2020 | 15.08.2020 | Final State Examinations (100) | 1 | 17.08.2020 | 22.08.2020 | Midterm Control | 1 | 17.08.2020 | 22.08.2020 | Final Examinations (100) | 1 | 17.08.2020 | 22.08.2020 |
3 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Theoretical Study | 15 | 01.09.2020 | 12.12.2020 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 19.10.2020 | 24.10.2020 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 07.12.2020 | 12.12.2020 | Midterm Control | 4 | 14.12.2020 | 09.01.2021 | Final Examinations (100) | 4 | 14.12.2020 | 09.01.2021 | Vacation | 2 | 11.01.2021 | 23.01.2021 |
4 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Theoretical Study | 15 | 25.01.2021 | 08.05.2021 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 15.03.2021 | 20.03.2021 | Orientation Week | 1 | 19.04.2021 | 24.04.2021 | Курсовая работа | 1 | 03.05.2021 | 08.05.2021 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 03.05.2021 | 08.05.2021 | Midterm Control | 4 | 10.05.2021 | 05.06.2021 | Final Examinations (100) | 4 | 10.05.2021 | 05.06.2021 | Practice | 3 | 07.06.2021 | 26.06.2021 | Summer Semester | 6 | 21.06.2021 | 31.07.2021 | Summer Semester | 6 | 12.07.2021 | 21.08.2021 | Theoretical Study | 6 | 12.07.2021 | 21.08.2021 | Practice | 3 | 19.07.2021 | 07.08.2021 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 26.07.2021 | 31.07.2021 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 09.08.2021 | 14.08.2021 | Midterm Control | 1 | 16.08.2021 | 21.08.2021 | Final Examinations (100) | 1 | 16.08.2021 | 21.08.2021 |
5 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Orientation Week | 1 | 23.08.2021 | 28.08.2021 | Orientation Week | 1 | 23.08.2021 | 28.08.2021 | Theoretical Study | 15 | 01.09.2021 | 11.12.2021 | Theoretical Study | 15 | 01.09.2021 | 11.12.2021 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 18.10.2021 | 23.10.2021 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 18.10.2021 | 23.10.2021 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 06.12.2021 | 11.12.2021 | Курсовая работа | 2 | 06.12.2021 | 13.12.2021 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 06.12.2021 | 11.12.2021 | Final Examinations (100) | 4 | 13.12.2021 | 08.01.2022 | Final Examinations (100) | 4 | 13.12.2021 | 08.01.2022 | Vacation | 2 | 10.01.2022 | 22.01.2022 | Vacation | 2 | 10.01.2022 | 22.01.2022 |
6 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Orientation Week | 1 | 31.01.2022 | 05.02.2022 | Theoretical Study | 15 | 31.01.2022 | 14.05.2022 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 21.03.2022 | 26.03.2022 | Practice | 2 | 04.04.2022 | 16.04.2022 | Курсовая работа | 1 | 09.05.2022 | 14.05.2022 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 09.05.2022 | 14.05.2022 | Final Examinations (100) | 4 | 16.05.2022 | 11.06.2022 | Final Examinations (100) | 4 | 16.05.2022 | 11.06.2022 | Practice | 3 | 06.06.2022 | 25.06.2022 | Summer Semester | 6 | 27.06.2022 | 06.08.2022 | Summer Semester | 6 | 27.06.2022 | 06.08.2022 | Theoretical Study | 6 | 27.06.2022 | 06.08.2022 | Practice | 2 | 04.07.2022 | 16.07.2022 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 11.07.2022 | 16.07.2022 | Курсовая работа | 1 | 25.07.2022 | 30.07.2022 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 25.07.2022 | 30.07.2022 | Midterm Control | 1 | 01.08.2022 | 06.08.2022 | Final Examinations (100) | 1 | 01.08.2022 | 06.08.2022 |
7 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Orientation Week | 1 | 29.08.2022 | 03.09.2022 | Theoretical Study | 15 | 05.09.2022 | 17.12.2022 | Midterm Control 1 (100) | 1 | 24.10.2022 | 29.10.2022 | Курсовая работа | 1 | 12.12.2022 | 17.12.2022 | Midterm Control 2 (100) | 1 | 12.12.2022 | 17.12.2022 | Midterm Control | 4 | 14.12.2022 | 06.01.2023 | Final Examinations (100) | 4 | 19.12.2022 | 14.01.2023 | Vacation | 1 | 16.01.2023 | 21.01.2023 |
8 - семестр
Период | Недель | От | До | Practice | 12 | 23.01.2023 | 15.04.2023 | Graduation work | 12 | 17.04.2023 | 08.07.2023 | Final State Examinations (100) | 3 | 05.06.2023 | 24.06.2023 | Summer Semester | 6 | 19.06.2023 | 29.07.2023 |